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The Rock of Your Foundation Carved Into Stone

Gifts and mementos in the religious setting are all the more meaningful when they involve an awe-inspiring piece of nature. Engrave your stones with words, messages and images to symbolize faith and celebration.

Churches and Temples - From commemorating an anniversary to making a connection with the youth group, engraved religious stones can be used for display or meditation within your place of worship. Incorporate them with rituals or to mark milestones, such as a building expansion, new clergy and completed missions.   

faith-message-stone.jpgReligious Holidays - Easter, Christmas, Passover and many other religious holidays are enhanced with small tokens and symbols. Consider giving participants stones engraved with a nativity scene, or offering stones marked with the Star of David to temple-goers.

Sermon of the Day - We can engrave verses, quotes and other text that carry deep meaning on religious pocket stones. Use these to inspire yourself and others to ponder the words of your faith and the message they hold.

Milestone Events - Baptisms, first communions, confirmations, bar/bat mitzvahs, weddings and other events are wonderfully commemorated with engraved religious stones. Keep an assortment on hand, perhaps allowing people to select the word or image that best represents their experience.  

Stones for Parishioners and Members - Seeing to the needs of others is a big job that takes creativity and compassion. Engraved religious stones can be timely items to give for comfort, joy or memorial that people may hold, rub, carry close or simply look at.  

Teaching Tools - Engraved religious stones can become teaching tools when they feature names and images from your sacred text. Since they are far more durable than pieces of paper or even figurines, they will be safe in young hands and last for years.  

Gifts for New Members - Joining a new church or faith is a significant step, and new members often receive certificates or candles. Consider giving them engraved religious stones instead, perhaps one engraved with words or images representing their new community. 

religious-stones.jpgSymbol Stones - The world’s religions are full of wonderful imagery. Instead of putting verses on religious pocket stones, think about the symbols that are most important to your faith, and use them instead. These can make great gifts or conversation starters. 

Library Accessories - Most churches have books or even whole libraries. Add a special touch to yours with engraved religious stones as library accessories that include the church name, and even information like the year it was founded and where. 

Meditative Corners - Set up a spot in your organization’s building for members to sit quietly for prayer, meditation and reflection. Along with pillows and calming colors, set out prayer stones with words like “Peace,” “Faith” and “Love” to help members focus on what’s important. 

Support Services - If you offer counseling or other support services, you might have objects that help people open up and share. Keep some faith stones for this purpose, whether it’s just something for people to hold and rub or meant to represent concepts like weight and strength. 

Graduation - Many children go through religious programs or schools, and it’s a big deal when they complete one and move to the next. Give religious pocket stones as a “graduation” gift as they move on to advanced religious classes, youth groups or the next grade.

Memorial Garden - It’s important to memorialize and remember members who have passed away. Somewhere on your property, start a faith stones rock garden that represents these people in a variety of chosen words and images as a nod to your church’s strong tradition. 

Easter Enhancements - The symbol of the stone is an important part of the Christian Easter celebration. Make it especially memorable with engraved religious stones with your church’s favorite Easter Bible passage. 

Religious settings are full of symbols, and engraved stones add to the environment in a way that is meaningful and subtle. Congregants will love incorporating faith stones into your religious celebrations and milestones.